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 Shapely Figures Catalogue

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Shapely Figures catalogue coverThe Shapely Figures brand from JD Williams now appears to have been retired, and visitors to the Shapely Figures catalogue website will be re-directed to the main JD Williams catalogue site. Our links for Shapely Figures will therefore also direct you to the main JD Williams UK website.

The information below is for archival purposes only, and may not necessarily be correct.

Shapely Figures is a catalogue operated by JD Williams, one of the leading UK mail-order catalogue companies, comprising of many well-known brands. The Shapely Figures brand specialises in lingerie for the fuller figure with sizes from 34 – 56, cup sizes A - JJ, and the wide array of products offered in the Shapely Figures mail-order catalogue can all be ordered online. You will also find many special offers online, which are unavailable via the regular catalogue, plus additional products which may only be available for limited periods.

You will also find an admirable selection of nightwear - pyjamas, chemises, nightshirts, nightdresses & kaftans, gowns & wraps - in all shapes and sizes, plus a wide range of everyday fashionable clothing for both men and women alike. A good variety of footwear can also be found, including exclusive online ranges from Rohde and Van Dal.

As with most other JD Williams catalogues, a great selection of homewares and accessories is also available, with categories including audio systems, televisions & digi boxes, DVD & VCR, computers & laptops, mobile phone packages, washing machines & dryers, cookers and much else. A variety of other products for bathroom, bedroom and kitchen can also be found, including table sets, furniture covers, furniture accents and more.

The Shapely Figures website has a very rich feel to it, and finding what you’re looking for usually takes no more than a few clicks, with easy-to-use search features, images for every product, together with an accompanying description. Prices are clearly displayed, and the checkout procedure is not in the least complex, even for a novice shopper. If you have an existing Shapely Figures personal account, then you may use that to purchase your goods (or apply for an account when you make your purchase), or you can simply pay in full by credit card or debit card in the normal way.

Your free Shapely Figures mail-order catalogue can also be requested from the website, and you can usually expect delivery of it within just a few days.

Shapely Figures is operated by J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd. Select the following link to see other catalogues from J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd, or mail-order catalogue stores from other companies.

You may find similar UK catalogues to Shapely Figures, or similar products, within the catalogue categories defined for Shapely Figures.

  Continue to the official Shapely Figures website ››

 Contact Details

Shapely Figures may be contacted by telephone, via the forms provided at the Shapely Figures website, or by regular post.

Post ››General EnquiriesShapely Figures, Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester, M60 6ES
Telephone ››General Enquiries0870 160 6100
Forms ››General EnquiriesOnline forms provided at website

Shapely Figures Credit Terms:
A Shapely Figures personal account allows you to purchase goods and then pay for them over an extended period, often several months if you wish to. You should remember that this is of course a credit account and, as such, you’ll likely spend more for your purchase over the long-run than had you paid in full at the time of purchase. But, nonetheless, using a Shapely Figures account can be invaluable for many customers, especially when making larger purchases.

Account holders are sent a statement every 28 days, detailing their account activity and providing the current balance, together with the minimum amount due; you may choose to pay just the mimimum amount, or you may choose to pay off your account in full.
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