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Wilkinson Plus

Wilkinson Plus
 Wilkinson Plus Catalogue

Visitor Rating: 66% … from 4,648 votes

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Wilkinson Plus catalogue coverWilkinson Plus is the internet website for the Wilkinson department stores, which are popular throughout the United Kingdom. Wilkinson currently have close to 300 stores throughout the UK, and with many more planned throughout England, Wales and Scotland. Founded in 1930, the Wilkinson brand is now more than 75 years old, and growing at an ever-increasing rate. Meantime, as the number of Wilkinson stores increases, the Wilkinson catalogue and website have become every more popular too, with thousands of products now available to order via the Wilkinson website, or by telephone.

Operating independently, Wilkinson is far from your typical catalogue website, with a range of products which includes everything from Fairy Liquid to electrical goods. We can confidently say that there are few catalogue websites where Fairy Liquid shares an equal billing with Hotpoint Fridge-Freezers!

Nonetheless, there is a huge, albeit occasionally eclectic, range of products available from the Wilkinson UK website, with health and beauty, food and confectionery, toys and games, home-office and stationery products, a growing selection of womens’ fashion, and much else; in fact, more than 800,000 products for you to buy including even more low cost goods, such as washing machines, bikes and sheds.

As with a number of catalogue websites, Wilkinson also provides an online version of its catalogue, which you can electronically flip through with a click of the mouse; this really is a handy idea, not to mention environmentally friendly, but if you really do want one of Wilkinson’s printed catalogues, then just contact Wilkinson customer services and they’ll be happy to send one to you.

We must also give credit where credit is due; when we contacted Wilkinson Plus, as a regular customer, we had a very timely reply - less than 24 hours, even though it was a bank-holiday weekend - and a comprehensive answer to the question we had asked. So, we must tip our cap to Wilkinson for that, and we’ll cross our fingers that other catalogue companies might also strive to match the great service we received from Wilkinson.

Adding to the convenience of the Wilkinson catalogue and website, Wilkinson will also specify delivery in a two hour slot between 8am-6pm Monday to Saturday, for in-store deliveries, putting an end to wasting your precious time waiting for your goods to arrive. You can, of course, also have your goods delivered to your home, local store or another address of your choice.

For anyone who might possibly be confused with the several names and colloquialisms that Wilkinson have inherited over the years, then you can be sure that Wilkinson, "Wilkies", "Wilko", "Wilkos", Wilkinson Plus, and Wilkinson Hardware Stores, are, as you probably guessed, all the same entity, with Wilkinson Plus simply referring to the Wilkinson catalogue and website.
Wilkinson Plus is operated independently. See other independently operated catalogues, or catalogues from other UK mail-order companies.

You may find similar UK catalogues to Wilkinson Plus, or similar products, within the catalogue categories defined for Wilkinson Plus.

  Continue to the official Wilkinson Plus website ››

 Contact Details

Wilkinson Plus are easy to contact, by post, telephone or by e-mail, and our experience shows that you’ll receive a speedy, useful reply to your enquiries, even during the weekend.

E-mail ››General
Post ››General EnquiriesWilkinson Hardware Stores Ltd, Wilkinson Plus, JK House, PO Box 20, Roebuck Way, Manton Wood, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 3YY.
Telephone ››General Enquiries08456 08 08 07

Wilkinson Plus Credit Terms:
Wilkinson do not currently offer credit to customers in the manner which some catalogue stores do, and so you need to pay for your purchase in full when you order. You can pay for your purchase online or by telephone using MasterCard, Visa, Delta, Maestro, Solo, and Electron cards. We do not accept American Express or Diners club.
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