Marisota is a trading style of J D Williams & Company Limited, and JD Williams is one of the UK’s leading home shopping companies, operating more than 20 different fashion brands and home-shopping websites. As specialists in the area of larger size womenswear, Marisota offers a huge selection of clothing and other products for all ages and sizes, with all of the clothes you see designed to provide the best fit at the best value.
The Marisota brand operates much more like the traditional JD Williams catalogue brands, with a printed catalogue available upon request, and where items can be ordered via mail-order, by phone, or via the website. To request a copy of the Marisota brochure, simply select the "Brochure Request" link on the Marisota website and register your details. You should then receive confirmation that the brochure will be sent to you within a few days.
To order from the Marisota website, just look for items to add to ’Your Bag’ by either browsing the website or searching by keyword and item numbers shown in the brochure. Alternatively, you can use the ’Quick Order Form’ to select multiple items before proceeding to ’Checkout’ and submitting your order.
Unlike some of the other JD Williams sites, the Marisota website sells just women’s clothes and accessories. However, what it may lack in other products it more than makes up for in the wide selection of apparel, with everything from skirts and suits to swimwear, lingerie, a wide range of footwear, sportswear and much else, and is well worth the visit.
Marisota is operated by J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd. Select the following link to see other catalogues from
J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd, or mail-order catalogue stores from
other companies.
You may find similar UK catalogues to Marisota, or similar products, within the
catalogue categories defined for Marisota.
Marisota, as with all of the JD Williams brands, can easily be contacted by telephone, e-mail, or by post. If sending mail, however, note that, for the sake of correctness, you should address your first line as "Candid Collections Limited t/a Marisota", rather than just "Marisota."
Please refer to the Marisota website for details regarding the purchase of products from the Marisota website or catalogue.