Here's an easy way to shop: every time you see a product on this site, and you want to take a closer look, simply save it to your shopping list below. Then,
come back at any time and browse the products in your shopping list at leisure.
Based upon the items in your shopping list, you can also send an e-mail to a friend (or yourself), containing links to any number of products which you select.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
How many products may I save in the shopping list? Currently you may save up to 99 different products in your shopping list, for any number of different catalogues. You can, of course,
remove items at any time.
Items which were on my shopping list are no longer available … what happened? If a product appears to be missing, or greyed-out, or otherwise shown to be inactive, then it's probably because that particular product is no
longer available, based upon the information in our database. However, you may still find the product by going directly to the
catalogue website.
Some of the prices in my shopping list seem to have changed … how come? Prices may well fluctuate, but the prices in your shopping list are always the most recent prices that we know of, and therefore likely to be most accurate.
I don't have an account, but created a shopping list anyway … will you still save it?
There is no problem if you don't have an account, but you will need cookies enabled in order for us to permanently save your list, otherwise
your shopping list will disappear the next time your cookies are cleared out.
If I have more than one account, does that cause a problem with the shopping list?
There's no problem in having more than one account, or more than one shopping list but, unless you clear your shopping list after logging out each time, then the next time you sign-in, the shopping list of the account you sign into will be synchronised with the cookie, even though that may have been created under your other account.
How long will the cookie be valid for?
At least one year from the date at which you last amended your shopping list. If you delete the cookie before that time, we
have no way to restore it. However, if you have an account, it will automatically be restored the next time you sign-in.
To add and remove items from my shopping list, do I always need to be signed-in?
If you are not logged in to your account, your shopping list changes will only be saved to a cookie, not to your account.
However, the next time you sign-in, we try to synchronise your cookie with your stored list, so there should be no problem.
What if I'm using a public computer … ?
If you're using a public computer to access MyCatalogues, and want to make sure your shopping list maintains its integrity, then, before signing-in, simply clear down any items in the existing shopping list and then sign in.
Do you have other questions? Let us know if you have any other questions, and we'll do our best to answer them as quickly as possible.
Shopping List Icons Legend:
Whenever you see this icon next to a product listing then, if you click it, the product will be added to your shopping list.
Whenever you see this icon next to a product listing it means the product is already saved in your shopping list.
You may occasionally see this icon if trying to save a product. Usually it will mean your shopping list is full (99 items), or the item is already in your list. It may, on occasion, also be the result of some other error which prevents the item from being added to your list.
Only the first icon, ie. the "Save" icon, is "clickable" - the other icons are displayed for information only.
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